The Missing Key That Could Help With Employee Retention Does your business seem to be a revolving door of employees? If so, there are several reasons why that could be true that have nothing to do with your business itself. It could be the nature of your industry. Some industries are seasonal or attract a…
How to Get More Love for Your Business on Social Media Social media is becoming more and more frustrating, right? If you have used it to connect with your audience for ten years or so, you undoubtedly have seen crazy changes in your reach. If you’re new to social media for business, reaching 2% of…
How to Find a Complementary Business to Help Yours Grow If you’re a small- to medium-sized business that is trying to carve out a place for itself in a competitive market, you want to differentiate yourself from the competition. One way to do that is to offer something no one else is doing. You can…
The 5 Most Common Mistakes Email Marketers Make I receive a lot of emails and as a marketing writer I study much of what I get. In marketing, it’s important to stay curious and notice what attracts your attention and what misses the mark. There’s a ton to be learned from all that spam. The…
Chamber Benefit Plan Health Insurance Now Available Across Missouri With the rising cost health insurance, many small businesses in Missouri have found themselves either priced out of the market or being forced to offer plans with fewer benefits. However, an innovative health insurance model is poised to change that for thousands of small businesses across…
Breaking the Burnout Cycle for Small Business Success Business ownership is often romanticized as a thrilling combo ride of passion, innovation, and drive where one can wear a hoodie and hang out playing video games all day while money magically flows into your bank account. But anyone in business knows the idea of the effortless hustle or…
Digital Etiquette Tips Internetting ain’t easy. There are all sorts of digital quagmires we get ourselves into putting words onto a screen and hitting send or post. It’s a tricky time navigating communication across the digital world. Since Emily Post is busy sorting out which fork goes where, it’s time we turn to her predecessor…
Fast-Track Trust: How to Win Customers Quickly Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships, driving sales and fostering loyalty. Yet, building that trust swiftly, especially in a competitive landscape filled with countless options for consumers, can be hard. Establishing credibility and rapport takes time and effort. (It’s the one thing you can’t buy at Costco.) But strategic actions can accelerate trust building. By…
Feeling Stuck? Try These Content Ideas for Small Businesses. Content helps you connect, right? It gives insights into your business, your personality, and your culture. But boy, can it be draining. And as awesome as AI is there are only so many times you can ask it for blog ideas for the exact same audience…
4 Tips for Getting Your Business Mojo Back When you’re working long hours and the stress is compiling, your personal life doesn’t go on hold. You still have familial responsibilities, bills to pay, friends to see, and thousands of other things that are on your mind. Let’s face it. There are times at work that…