Recent Accomplishments

Accomplishments from 2019

Business & Member Support

  • We ended 2019 with 396 members. There’s strength in numbers!
  • This past year we had 75 events that our enthusiastic Ambassadors participated in and assisted with; 27 of those events were ribbon cuttings!
  • We continue to grow in our marketing reach, most notable with over 5000 followers on Facebook and over 18,000 people reached last year. The Farmington Regional Chamber website event calendar received over 53,000 views!
  • On March 1 we signed the first ever rural Strategic Alliance Memorandum in Missouri with the Small Business Administration to bring more services to our community.
  • Started the new Business Beginners Club series and offered several additional training opportunities.
  • Continued coordinating and maintaining monthly Business & Community luncheons, Morning Mixers, Ambassador luncheons, board meetings and Maximizing Your Membership Orientations.

Community Development, Economic Improvement & Legislative Action

  • We assisted Farmington High School with the piloting of their student internship program and provided soft skill training.
  • We also participated in the Industry and Education coalition to create a smooth transition for student to be trained and transition into manufacturing positions.
  • We represented our region’s interest at the Missouri State Chamber Federation’s legislative priority session, the Workforce Development conference and the Technology conference.
  • In September we brought John O’Leary to Farmington High School & Centene Center then donated $2500 in proceeds to Play it Forward in the Parkland.
  • Assisted in the re-certification of St. Francois County as a Certified Work Ready Community.
  • We successfully continued our annual community events such as the business expo, Celebration of Success Awards Banquet, Country Days, annual golf tournament, Harvest Night, & Christmas Parade.

Accomplishments During the Covid-19 Crisis

  • Created the “Farmington Region Food To Go” Facebook page which quickly grew to over 4,500 members and helped promote all local restaurants changes in business
  • Disseminated information on all types of financial assistance programs including the federal CARES Act information and SBA assistance, breaking down the complicated legislation into understandable pieces and seeking clarification from federal and state experts as needed.
  • Spearheaded the “Support the Frontline in the Parkland” initiative by providing yard signs, a Facebook group, professional video, Meal Train sign-ups for meal donations and cooperation among all Chambers with in the county. Promoted the initiative via radio, newspaper and social media. The initiative benefitted local restaurants as well as the first responders.
  • Contacted every Chamber member to check in, offer comfort and help
  • Maintained all recurring monthly networking meetings- Morning Mixer and luncheons via Zoom
  • Connected members with much needed PPE
  • Featured virtual tours of businesses as they re-opened with an average number of views of 1,200-1,500

Coordinated and set up webinars:

US Chamber VP of Small Business Policy on CARES Act

Breaking Through Roadblocks to Productivity

Connecting with State Representatives to answer questions

Increasing Your Online Presence

Managing Social Media