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Fast-Track Trust:How to Win Customers Quickly

Fast-Track Trust: How to Win Customers Quickly Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships, driving sales and fostering loyalty. Yet, building that trust swiftly, especially in a competitive landscape filled with countless options for consumers, can be hard. Establishing credibility and rapport takes time and effort. (It’s the one thing you can’t buy at Costco.) But strategic actions can accelerate trust building. By…

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Feeling Stuck? Try These Content Ideas for Small Businesses

Feeling Stuck? Try These Content Ideas for Small Businesses. Content helps you connect, right? It gives insights into your business, your personality, and your culture. But boy, can it be draining. And as awesome as AI is there are only so many times you can ask it for blog ideas for the exact same audience…

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20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There

20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership…

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15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client

15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client If you are in a client services business (especially one where your clients might return over and over), one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to understand who you want to work with and who aligns with your skills and…

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Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales

Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales Whew! Can you feel it? The unofficial start of summer is here. Summer is a season of change for many small businesses. School’s out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days. For some businesses, it’s a time of enormous revenue;…

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Courting the Millennial Customer

Courting the Millennial Customer If you are in a traditionally “cool” business, like a coffee shop, Indy bookstore, or juice bar, it’s likely you have scads of skinny jeans-wearing hipsters hanging around your store. But if you’re reading this article, most likely you don’t but you know you need them. There are roughly 75.3 million…

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Be Unforgettable: How Business Owners Can Standout at Networking Events

Be Unforgettable: How Business Owners Can Standout at Networking Events First, you’re probably thinking if everyone in the chamber (and beyond) reads this article and follows the advice here, no one will be unforgettable because we’ll all be following the same instructions. But in the words of the famous Dr. Seuss, “There is no one…

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3 Easy Things to Help You Attract More Customers for Your New Business

3 Easy Things to Help You Attract More Customers for Your New Business Starting a new business is difficult under the best circumstances. But in today’s economic climate, it’s difficult to make a name for yourself when most people are trying desperately to cut back on expenses. Yet, you shouldn’t get discouraged. There are easy…

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Five Things You Can Do This Year To Increase The Value Of Your Business.

Five Things You Can Do This Year To Increase The Value Of Your Business. I meet with business owners every day who have spent years, even decades, building their businesses with the hopes of one day selling and retiring. However, many of them have spent next to no time understanding how business valuations work and…

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